Friday 18 March 2016

Task 7- Cinema Audience Habits

What days to audiences go to the cinema?
Most people go to the cinema at the weekends as that is when they are off and don't have to worry about work and other times that are popular is weekdays that have a deal happening e.g. Wednesdays with orange and Two for Tuesdays with

What are the most popular genres?
The most popular genres were Action, Romance and Comedy. This is because these are genres that are safe, as most of the films that are huge blockbusters come under these genres as these genre films appeal to mass audiences. 

What was the top film in each of these genres?
Romance- Cinderella, this is because it was released in the school holidays and was also popular for families to go and watch meaning they did best in box office for 2015 romance films.
Action- Jurassic World, this was also released in the school holidays and was available for families to go and watch, as the age rating didn't limit the viewings and it was long awaited.
Comedy- Inside Out and Minions, again both of these both appeal to families and younger children, meaning a larger audience went to see the films. They also were both released in the summer holidays meaning that children were in school holidays.

How do audiences hear about films?
Most people find out about films from trailers that are on TV and in the cinema before the film starts, also they find out about them through social media, this is because nearly everyone in the target audience of cinema is on some type of social media.

Do audiences prefer US, UK or other nationality films?
Most people like US or UK films as they are the two most prominent countries in the film industry, however nearly all the main blockbuster films are from US companies, e.g. Disney, a high majority of people prefer US films to UK films.

Do audiences like 3D films?
Nearly all people prefer 2D films because when watching 3D films you have to wear the glasses and unless the movie is especially good for 3D it is a bit pointless to most people.

What other ways do audiences watch film aside from the cinema?
Other ways people watch films is through the internet/ online e.g. Netflix. However people are also watching the films on illegal film websites such as Putlocker which stops money going back into the film industry.

Who do audiences go to the cinema with?

Most of the time people go to the cinema with friends as it is what many people do when they want to meet up with their friends and go and do something together as it isn't particularly expensive to do. Occasionally people go with their families, but that depends upon the type of film it is and the age of the children/ people who are going.

When and where are most audiences likely to go to the cinema?
The most popular places to go to the cinema at their nearby mainstream cinema such as Odeon, Vue or Cineworld. This is because these are the cinemas that show the most popular blockbuster, mainstream films around the UK.


  1. Excellent - a lot of students forget to write about audiences in their exam and the title is audiences and institutions so it's important to revise not only how audiences are targeted through marketing but what their viewing habits are also.

    1. I will try to revise and remember to comment on both parts relating to the audience when completing answers to questions.
